

Monday, December 19, 2011

Orca Bay Mystery Clues 4 and 5

Since my #1DD came home on Saturday, I made great strides (so much faster when she irons, slices and organizes) I just sew sew sew and yesterday my leg actually hurt from the foot peddle position. That is a first for me.

so we are close to half-way with the red stings and many more in the works and since I was stringing and I always have to multi-task I also worked on more of the denim blocks. Alas #2DD isn't liking how they are turning out, what do you know they are too random for her and she prefers more of a pattern, a plan, things to match which is so unlike her free-form bohemian personality, how interesting. I'll finish the current batch (I think I have enough for a good size quilt) and we'll see how they all look.

So onto part 5, part 3 was completed in the nick of time, so I cut more 2 inch strips, starched them and sliced a bunch of blackish triangles.

here are a batch with one wing added and below are about 50 completed.
we are wondering how these pieces will go together. A talented mathematically inclined quiltville chat member calculated that we are 62% of the way there in terms of surface area, so that means we'll have to make more pieces.

At first I thought that these new triangles would surround the blue string blocks, but now I'm not so sure. Looking forward to the next clue. I'm really enjoying the process, please check out Bonnie's linky to see how others are doing.


Natasha said...

Love the cow in the red strings!

gubike said...

já jsem Maďarka ze Slovenska :-). Přemýšlela jsem, že se taky připojím k tomuto projektu, ale se mi zdá, že začat teď je již příliš pozdě. Kolik času v pruměru zabere jedna úloha? Anglicky moc dobře neumím, orientuji se více-méně dle obrázku.
Budu moc ráda, když mi na otázky odpovíš.
Přeji ti krásné vánoce se svými dcerami a s rodinou, hodně zdraví a pracovních úspěchu v novém roce.